Saturday, December 31, 2005


It occurred to me recently that our only true unfettered liberty is our freedom to choose. Our “God given” liberties pale in comparison to this one shining example of pure an unadulterated freedom.


Anonymous said...

Yes, we do have our freedom of choice. But whenever we make a choice, there are always consequences. I choose to wear the red sweater; I automatically cannot wear the blue sweater. Choice always has consequences - no matter what you are choosing. The power of choice can bring good to yourself and others, or the power of choice can bring hurt and injury to yourself and others. Consider well your power of choice. Your choice determines whether you live for yourself or you live to be a giver. Consider well your power of choice. As Jesus said, "He who denies himself and takes up his cross and follows Me,shall receive life." The power of choice bears its consequences.

Matt said...

Thanks for the direction, but be sure not to confuse consequence as an impediment to this liberty. Despite the consequences the freedom to choose is still there. I would argue that it is our only God given freedom - hence the sinfulness of man.