Saturday, December 31, 2005


The spirit of giving.

I heard this damn Oak Ridge Boys song the other day; it’s about Christmas cookies and how much the Oak Ridge Boys love them, and they were performing it on TV at 5:00 in the morning.

Apparently, any music I hear at 5:00 in the morning sticks in my head for a long time. Especially the part of the song when the bass-voiced Oak Ridge Boy says, “Oh yeah,” and “Mmhmm,” after the chorus.

My holiday gift to you is not posting an mp3 of the song here on this page to ambush you, thereby lodging it in your head, too. Just a little bit of seasonal generosity, and you’re welcome.

The truth is that I couldn’t find a copy of the song for free and there’s no way I’m paying good money for an Oak Ridge Boys song about cookies. Or, really, an Oak Ridge Boys song about anything or, for that matter, probably any song about cookies by anyone except Cookie Monster. So it turns out that I’m both seasonally ungenerous and cheap. And also a cookie song snob.

Bah. Humbug.

onepotmeal > It's all true, mostly..

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